Panalytical Empyrean X-ray Diffractometer Panalytical Empyrean X-ray Diffractometer Versatile platform for powder XRD, texture XRD, reciprocal space mapping, reflectivity and GiXRD measurements
Attocube Magnetic Force Microscope Attocube Magnetic Force Microscope Compatible with Attodry 1000 cryostat for measurements down to 4 K
Attodry 1000 cryostat with 9T/3T vector magnet Attodry 1000 cryostat with 9T/3T vector magnet Versatile platform with a 2 inch bore for magnetic force microscopy, inductive resistance testing and low current transport measurements
TSST Pulsed Laser Deposition facility TSST Pulsed Laser Deposition facility Equipped with a UV KrF laser for deposition of superconducting thin films, with a second chamber funded by the Henry Royce Institute for deposition of battery materials
Magnetron sputtering facilities Magnetron sputtering facilities Two magnetron sputtering chambers with DC and RF power supplies and 2"/3" targets